February 12, 2020
This is a question that we get asked often here at myPilateslondon and one that we are going to try to tackle in this article.
Have either of the following thoughts ever crossed your mind? (even subconsciously).
“I eat healthy, so I don’t need to exercise”, or “I exercise, so I can eat anything I want”. If so, this article will help you understand the importance of diet and fitness and why you need them both to reach your fitness goals. They are not mutually exclusive!
Believing that you can choose either diet or exercise as a means of losing weight, building or toning muscle or increasing your endurance levels, will often lead to weight gain and/or a lack of performance in the gym or Pilates studio. These activities require fuel!
Incorporating regular exercise, such as Pilates and healthy nutrition choices in our daily life, can ensure that we reach our fitness goals sooner and reduce our risk of injury. The buzz terms are prehab and longevity!
The Importance Of Diet And Fitness
If you have ever heard the saying “you can’t out exercise a bad diet”, then you might already know just how true that statement really is. Without a proper diet, you won’t be able to perform to your full potential in the Pilates studio and you could become more prone to illness or injury. Exercise requires a lot from your body and that means making your diet and fitness routines work together.
When you see people who have lost a lot of weight and who are able to keep it off, chances are, they have a diet and fitness plan that is working laterally for their health. In fact, anyone who has had a major fitness transformation will attribute their success to diet and exercise.
Dietary plans may vary substantially from one person to the next. Take the long term into account and not the quick fix. Proper advice in this area is key. At myPilateslondon our go to is Well College Global (or find their link on our partner banner on our website). Body type, mental and physical health, lifestyle etc are all very relevant. If you put a lot of effort into your training then reserve a little to understand what you are putting in your body.
Exercise helps you build the body you want and diet alone won’t do that. Exercise also helps boost your metabolism, which means that you will be burning more calories throughout the day. Whether you workout for an hour every day, or just 20 minutes, your body needs the proper nutrients to fuel your workout and help your muscles rebuild after your workout is complete. Most of the change and benefits come outside of the training hour!
Diet and fitness are both important for long-term health and they should work in tandem, rather than in conflict.
Contact myPilateslondon
To learn more reasons why diet and fitness are important, contact myPilateslondon and sign up for a Studio Pilates programme which can make you stronger, faster and more resilient.
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